From Our RE Council

To our prospective Director of Religious Education -

The Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation at White Plains has an active and vibrant religious education program. We believe that it’s one of the “crown jewels” of the congregation, often providing an entrĂ©e for many families for whom their children’s religious education is a primary motive for seeking to join a congregation.

We on the Religious Education Council seek to strengthen our programs and support the Director of Religious Education by providing resources and fulfilling our own portfolios. These include Social Action, where the children in grades 1-5 select and raise funds or other donations for a charitable cause; Special Sundays, which provide alternative activities to the children on traditionally low attendance weekends; and the Welcome Table, where we provide information and a starting point for families who are interested in our RE programs.

The R.E. program serves to provide our children with a solid grounding in our religion, but also provides insight to other religions. We have an outstanding “Our Whole Lives” (“OWL”) program which teaches our children about their sexuality and relationships in a healthy and factual way. Along the way there are recognition services: for our second graders acknowledgement of their understanding of the 7 principles of the Church; and for our ninth graders their Coming of Age Ceremony. This Coming of Age is an amazing event in which the children, now young adults, share their credos with the congregation.

Insofar as our congregation’s search for a new Director of Religious Education, we are continually seeking ways to further strengthen the bridge between the RE and the general congregation. We note that there are many family, intergenerational services, as well as milestone ceremonies for our children which are critical to imparting a strong sense of belonging to our Congregation. We hope to achieve a greater integration among the many facets of the congregation. In addition, we seek input and guidance to improve our program and to enhance its value to the congregation. Mostly, we welcome the opportunity to support and be supported by a new Director of Religious Education committed to the growth and health of the congregation and its children.

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